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Kohtz, Stave




D. Stave Kohtz received his Ph.D. degree in Molecular and Cellular Pathology from the Department of Pathology at Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine, and thereafter joined the faculty of that eminent department. Dr. Kohtz ran a research laboratory at Mount Sinai for nearly 30 years, mentoring medical and graduate students and fellows at all levels, and facilitating implementation and development of small group problem-based learning systems into the medical school curriculum. Dr. Kohtz has been Principal Investigator on several large research projects funded by the NIH, as well as on projects funded by American Heart Association and the Parkinson's Disease Foundation. Dr. Kohtz's research publications span areas of basic molecular and cell biology, pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, the role of psychosocial stress in memory, and cancer biology and treatment. Dr. Kohtz joined the Foundational Sciences department at CMU College of Medicine in spring 2016 as Professor of Pathology, and is interested in development and execution of case-based learning methods. His laboratory is currently working on novel approaches to extending the disease-free survival of breast cancer patients, and has been funded by the Elsa U. Pardee foundation.

More about Stave Kohtz

Gallien J, Srinageshwar B, Gallo K, Holtgrefe G, Koneru S, Otero PS, Bueno CA, Mosher J, Roh A, Kohtz DS, Swanson D, Sharma A, Dunbar G, Rossignol J (2021). Curcumin Loaded Dendrimers Specifically Reduce Viability of Glioblastoma Cell Lines. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland).

Bishop PJ, Kinoshita Y, Lopes NN, Ward AS, Kohtz DS (2020). Changes in Nup62 content affect contact-induced differentiation of cultured myoblasts. Differentiation; research in biological diversity.

Chu, M., Williams, E., Kohtz, D.S., Kalir, T., Fishman, D. (2015). Treatment of Uterine Carcinomas Current Cancer Therapy Reviews.

Chu, M., Kohtz, D.S., Williams, E., Kalir, T., and Fishman, D. (2015). Treatment of High-Grade Pelvic-Type Serous Carcinomas (Ovary, Fallopian Tube and Peritoneum): Current Therapeutic Paradigms, Prospects, and Challenges Current Cancer Therapy Reviews.

Chu, M., Kohtz, D.S., Williams, E., Kalir, T., and Fishman, D. (2015). Current Strategies and Future Directions in Classification and Treatment of Uterine Sarcomas. Current Cancer Therapy Reviews.

Kinoshita Y, Hunter RG, Gray JD, Mesias R, McEwen BS, Benson DL, Kohtz DS (2014). Role for NUP62 depletion and PYK2 redistribution in dendritic retraction resulting from chronic stress. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Kinoshita Y, Kalir T, Dottino P, Kohtz DS (2012). Nuclear distributions of NUP62 and NUP214 suggest architectural diversity and spatial patterning among nuclear pore complexes. PloS one.

Kinoshita Y, Kalir T, Rahaman J, Dottino P, Kohtz DS (2012). Alterations in nuclear pore architecture allow cancer cell entry into or exit from drug-resistant dormancy. The American journal of pathology.

Alapat DV, Chaudhry T, Ardakany-Taghavi R, Kohtz DS (2009). Fiber-types of sarcomeric proteins expressed in cultured myogenic cells are modulated by the dose of myogenin activity. Cellular signalling.

Wu M, Kafanas A, Gan L, Kohtz DS, Zhang L, Genden E, Burstein DE (2008). Feasibility of immunocytochemical detection of tumor markers (XIAP, phosphohistone H1 and p63) in FNA cellblock samples from head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Diagnostic cytopathology.

Burstein DE, Nagi C, Kohtz DS, Lee L, Wang B (2006). Immunodetection of GLUT1, p63 and phospho-histone H1 in invasive head and neck squamous carcinoma: correlation of immunohistochemical staining patterns with keratinization. Histopathology.

Burstein DE, Nagi C, Kohtz DS, Lumerman H, Wang BY (2006). Immunohistochemical detection of GLUT1, p63 and phosphorylated histone H1 in head and neck squamous intraepithelial neoplasia: evidence for aberrations in hypoxia-related, cell cycle- and stem-cell-regulatory pathways. Histopathology.

Wang QJ, Ding Y, Kohtz DS, Mizushima N, Cristea IM, Rout MP, Chait BT, Zhong Y, Heintz N, Yue Z (2006). Induction of autophagy in axonal dystrophy and degeneration. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

Liu H, Barr SM, Chu C, Kohtz DS, Kinoshita Y, Johnson EM (2005). Functional interaction of Puralpha with the Cdk2 moiety of cyclin A/Cdk2. Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

Chu C, Alapat D, Wen X, Timo K, Burstein D, Lisanti M, Shears S, Kohtz DS (2004). Ectopic expression of murine diphosphoinositol polyphosphate phosphohydrolase 1 attenuates signaling through the ERK1/2 pathway. Cellular signalling.

Good PF, Alapat D, Hsu A, Chu C, Perl D, Wen X, Burstein DE, Kohtz DS (2004). A role for semaphorin 3A signaling in the degeneration of hippocampal neurons during Alzheimer's disease. Journal of neurochemistry.

Kafanas A, Wang BY, Kalir T, Gan L, Bodian C, Fish H, Kohtz DS, Burstein DE (2003). Immunohistochemical visualization of histone H1 phosphorylation in squamous intraepithelial lesions of the gynecologic tract. Human pathology.

Unger P, Ewart M, Wang BY, Gan L, Kohtz DS, Burstein DE (2003). Expression of p63 in papillary thyroid carcinoma and in Hashimoto's thyroiditis: a pathobiologic link? Human pathology.

Burstein DE, Oami S, Dembitzer F, Chu C, Cernaianu G, Leytin A, Misilim E, Jammula SR, Strauchen J, Kohtz DS (2002). Monoclonal antibody specific for histone H1 phosphorylated by cyclin-dependent kinases: a novel immunohistochemical probe of proliferation and neoplasia. Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc.

Wang BY, Gil J, Kaufman D, Gan L, Kohtz DS, Burstein DE (2002). P63 in pulmonary epithelium, pulmonary squamous neoplasms, and other pulmonary tumors. Human pathology.

Chu C, Kohtz DS (2001). Identification of the E2A gene products as regulatory targets of the G1 cyclin-dependent kinases. The Journal of biological chemistry.

Moschella MC, Menzies K, Tsao L, Lieb MA, Kohtz JD, Kohtz DS, Taubman MB (1999). SM-20 is a novel growth factor-responsive gene regulated during skeletal muscle development and differentiation. Gene expression.

Engelman JA, Chu C, Lin A, Jo H, Ikezu T, Okamoto T, Kohtz DS, Lisanti MP (1998). Caveolin-mediated regulation of signaling along the p42/44 MAP kinase cascade in vivo. A role for the caveolin-scaffolding domain. FEBS letters.

Scherer PE, Lewis RY, Volonte D, Engelman JA, Galbiati F, Couet J, Kohtz DS, van Donselaar E, Peters P, Lisanti MP (1997). Cell-type and tissue-specific expression of caveolin-2. Caveolins 1 and 2 co-localize and form a stable hetero-oligomeric complex in vivo. The Journal of biological chemistry.

Chu C, Cogswell J, Kohtz DS (1997). MyoD functions as a transcriptional repressor in proliferating myoblasts. The Journal of biological chemistry.

Schecter AD, Giesen PL, Taby O, Rosenfield CL, Rossikhina M, Fyfe BS, Kohtz DS, Fallon JT, Nemerson Y, Taubman MB (1997). Tissue factor expression in human arterial smooth muscle cells. TF is present in three cellular pools after growth factor stimulation. The Journal of clinical investigation.

Tang Z, Scherer PE, Okamoto T, Song K, Chu C, Kohtz DS, Nishimoto I, Lodish HF, Lisanti MP (1996). Molecular cloning of caveolin-3, a novel member of the caveolin gene family expressed predominantly in muscle. The Journal of biological chemistry.

Song KS, Scherer PE, Tang Z, Okamoto T, Li S, Chafel M, Chu C, Kohtz DS, Lisanti MP (1996). Expression of caveolin-3 in skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle cells. Caveolin-3 is a component of the sarcolemma and co-fractionates with dystrophin and dystrophin-associated glycoproteins. The Journal of biological chemistry.

Rao SS, Kohtz DS (1995). Positive and negative regulation of D-type cyclin expression in skeletal myoblasts by basic fibroblast growth factor and transforming growth factor beta. A role for cyclin D1 in control of myoblast differentiation. The Journal of biological chemistry.

Shue G, Kohtz DS (1994). Structural and functional aspects of basic helix-loop-helix protein folding by heat-shock protein 90. The Journal of biological chemistry.

Rao SS, Chu C, Kohtz DS (1994). Ectopic expression of cyclin D1 prevents activation of gene transcription by myogenic basic helix-loop-helix regulators. Molecular and cellular biology.

Cole F, Fasy TM, Rao SS, de Peralta MA, Kohtz DS (1993). Growth factors that repress myoblast differentiation sustain phosphorylation of a specific site on histone H1. The Journal of biological chemistry.

Feghali R, Karsch-Mizrachi I, Leinwand LA, Kohtz DS (1992). Four sarcomeric myosin heavy chain genes are expressed by human fetal skeletal muscle cells differentiating in culture. Gene expression.

Cole F, Timo KS, Kohtz DS (1992). Monoclonal antibodies identify a possible regulatory domain of MyoD1. Journal of cellular biochemistry.

Shaknovich R, Shue G, Kohtz DS (1992). Conformational activation of a basic helix-loop-helix protein (MyoD1) by the C-terminal region of murine HSP90 (HSP84). Molecular and cellular biology.

Kohtz DS, Cole F, Wong ML, Hsu MT (1991). Infection and inhibition of differentiation of human fetal skeletal myoblasts by adenovirus. Virology.

Kohtz DS, Puszkin S (1990). Novel NGF-induced proteins in PC12 cells: immunological evidence for their presence in brain nerve endings using a single monoclonal antibody. Journal of neuroscience research.

Kohtz DS, Hanson V, Puszkin S (1990). Novel proteins mediate an interaction between clathrin-coated vesicles and polymerizing actin filaments. European journal of biochemistry.

Silva WI, Kohtz DS, Puszkin S (1990). Immunoprecipitation of bovine brain membranes enriched in M1 and M2 muscarinic receptors with monoclonal antibody 10C7. Neuroscience letters.

Kohtz DS, Dische NR, Inagami T, Goldman B (1989). Growth and partial differentiation of presumptive human cardiac myoblasts in culture. The Journal of cell biology.

Kohtz DS, Puszkin S (1989). Phosphorylation of tubulin by casein kinase II regulates its binding to a neuronal protein (NP 185) associated with brain coated vesicles. Journal of neurochemistry.

Puszkin S, Kohtz JD, Schook WJ, Kohtz DS (1989). Clathrin-coated vesicle subtypes in mammalian brain tissue: detection of polypeptide heterogeneity by immunoprecipitation with monoclonal antibodies. Journal of neurochemistry.

17. Braun, T., Bober, E., Buschhausen Denker, G., Kohtz, D.S., Grzeschik, K., and Arnold, H.H. (1989). Differential Expression of Determination Genes in Muscle Cells: Possible Autoactivation by the Myf Gene Products EMBO Journal.

Appel JD, Fasy TM, Kohtz DS, Kohtz JD, Johnson EM (1988). Asbestos fibers mediate transformation of monkey cells by exogenous plasmid DNA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Kohtz DS, Altman A, Kohtz JD, Puszkin S (1988). Immunological and structural homology between human T-cell leukemia virus type I envelope glycoprotein and a region of human interleukin-2 implicated in binding the beta receptor. Journal of virology.

Kohtz DS, Puszkin S (1988). A neuronal protein (NP185) associated with clathrin-coated vesicles. Characterization of NP185 with monoclonal antibodies. The Journal of biological chemistry.

Feldman M, Kohtz DS, Kleinberg DL (1988). Isolation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against ribonuclease inhibitor. Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

Kohtz DS, Georgieva-Hanson V, Kohtz JD, Schook WJ, Puszkin S (1987). Mapping two functional domains of clathrin light chains with monoclonal antibodies. The Journal of cell biology.

Schook WJ, Parker C, Silva WI, Kohtz DS, Puszkin S (1987). Phosphorylation characteristics of brain clathrin-coated vesicle endogenous proteins. Journal of neurochemistry.

Colucci G, Kohtz DS, Waksal SD (1986). Preparation and characterization of human monoclonal antibodies directed against the hepatitis B virus surface antigen. Liver.

Gibson MJ, Kohtz DS (1985). The effects of the GnRH agonist, [(imBzl)-D-His6, Pro9-NEt]-GnRH, on the response to stress in rats. Contraception.

Kohtz DS, Waksal SD (1984). Growth factors and leukemogenesis. A role for biological mimicry in biological transformation. Survey of immunologic research.

Verderame MF, Kohtz DS, Pollack RE (1983). 94,000- and 100,000-molecular-weight simian virus 40 T-antigens are associated with the nuclear matrix in transformed and revertant mouse cells. Journal of virology.

1. Kakebeeki, P., DeWitt, R., Kohtz, D.S. and Konijn, T. (1979). Negative Chemotaxis in Dictostelium and Polysphodylium Experimental Cell Research.
Josiah Macy Scholar
Department of Medicine Research Award
National Merit Finalist
Nathan I. Selz Prize
Westinghouse Semi-finalist
Ph.D., Icahn School of Medicine, New York, NY
B.A., Columbia University
M.Phil., Icahn School of Medicine, New York, NY