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Dattilo, Symantha



Symantha Dattilo (she/her/hers) currently serves as an Assistant Director in the Mary Ellen Brandell Volunteer Center where she is the advisor to the Alternative Breaks program and leads the office's efforts in PR/Marketing. As a researcher, she is interested in college student civic engagement and the ways in which co-curricular experiences inform students life-long active citizenship within their communities. Originally from the Upper Peninsula, Symantha now lives in Mt. Pleasant with her husband, Andrew, and their dog, Enzo. When not serving students, she spends her time in search of good Italian food, reading a book, and going to the movie theater.

More about Symantha Dattilo

Johnson, M. R., Dattilo, S., & Williams, S. (2022, In Press). Everybody talks? The evolution of political talk among recent college graduates. Journal of College Student Development.

Johnson, M. R., & Dattilo, S. (2019, November). Everybody talks? The evolution of political talk among recent college graduates. Session presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education. Portland, OR.

Strachan, J.C., & Dattilo, S. (2018, October) Research and practice: How to Embed Best Practices for Civic Engagement in Intro to American Government Classes. Session presented at the annual Michigan Political Science Association Conference. Lansing, MI.

M.A, Central Michigan University, Political Science, 2020

B.A.A, Central Michigan University, Integrative Public Relations, 2017

ACPA – College Student Educators International

Break Away – Alternative Breaks and Active Citizenship

When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.