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Learn more about the people, processes and committees that make up the Student Government Association at Central Michigan University.

Executive board

    Carolina Hernandez Ruiz, Student Body President

    Carolina is the President of CMU's Student Government Association. She is an international student from Madrid, Spain, and a senior in the Honors Program majoring in Neuroscience and Finance. At Central, she has been highly involved in SGA as the Senator for the College of Business Administration and the international student service liaison. In addition, she has been part of the Academic Senate, Honors Council, and several professional RSOs, such as pre-medical fraternities and finance clubs. She also works on campus as an Inclusion Assistant. Besides her academic life, she is involved in the College of Entrepreneurship with her start-up Additionally, she is a University Innovation Fellow at Stanford University. As SGA president, she oversees all SGA external affairs, bridging the University administration and the student body. She supervises all SGA operational positions and ensures proper representation and advocacy of all the student needs and the SGA executive cabinet. She serves on several committees, including the Board of Trustees Student Liaison Committee, Academic Senate, and the University's Shared Governance Committee.

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    Aashka Barot, Student Body Vice President

    Aashka is the Vice President of CMU’s Student Government Association. She is an international student from India. Aashka is currently a sophomore majoring in Biological Sciences. Her involvements at Central include being the vice president of her residential community council- SHC community council, the cultural coordinator for the IndianStudents Association, a teaching assistant, and being involved in various RSOs on campus. Apart from her academic life, she has an immense love for animals and a strong passion for dance and sports. As SGA vice president, Aashka oversees the internal operations of SGA, looks over all the cabinet members, and serves on committees such as the Academic Senate and Board of Trustees Student Liaison Committee. She advises the SGA house, senate, and all the committees to ensure smooth operation and fair implementation within the SGA for the benefit of the Students. or

    Akua Acheampong Student Body Treasurer

    Akua is the Treasurer of CMU's Student Government Association. She is a sophomore majoring in Political Science with minors in Intergroup Relations and Public Law. Akua has previously served as the Student Government Representative of the National Black Law Student Association and as a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee member. Outside of SGA, Akua is a part of the Public Service Residential College, a Resident Assistant, an Alternative Break site leader, a dialogue facilitator, and the Vice President of the National Black Law Students Association. As Treasurer, Akua oversees and organizes all of the SGA budgets, manages the SGA and SBAC budget allocations, chairs the Campus Programming Fund Committee, and chairs the Student Budget Allocation Committee.

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    We would love to hear from you! Send anonymous feedback to the treasurer here.

    SGA body organization

      The SGA Cabinet works to ensure that the organization is running efficiently and effectively. Each member of Cabinet is charged with a leadership function, and reports to either the president, vice-president, or treasurer.

      The Executive Cabinet consists of the Director of Operations, Chief of Staff, Press Secretary, Director of DEI, Historian, Elections Director, Committee Chair(s), International Student Service Liaison, City Commission Liaison, Athletic Liaison, Student Disability Service Liaison, Senate Leader, Speaker of the House, a Greek Life Representative from the Interfraternity Council, Collegiate Panhellenic Council, Multicultural Greek Council and the National Panhellenic Council, and Associate Justices..

      SGA Senate consists of 24 senators, which represent one of the following: College of Business Administration, College of Arts and the Media, College of Education and Human Services, Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow College of Health Professions, College of Graduate Studies, College of Medicine, College of Science and Engineering, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and Undeclared & Global Campus.

      SGA House consists of members from each registered student organization. As members of the House, RSOs are able to obtain Student Budget Allocation Committee (SBAC) funding for conferences and projects.

      The Judicial branch is composed of four (4) associate justices, one (1) Chief Justice, and one (1) clerk of the court. They play a crucial role in maintaining fairness and accountability through dispute resolution, interpretation of the bylaws and constitution, oversight of the rules, hearing appeals, and enforcing the norms.

      SGA committees

        The SGA Academic Affairs Committee seeks out academic issues, brought forth by students and relays them to Academic Senate.

        Committee functions:

        • Be responsible for addressing all academic-oriented issues on campus that can either directly or indirectly affect students.
        • Have at least one committee member serving as a voting member of the Academic Senate.

        The SGA Diversity Committee works to foster awareness within CMU, Mt. Pleasant and SGA.

        Committee functions:

        • Plan at least one (1) program per semester to foster learning and conversation pertaining to diversity education and issues amongst the campus community.
        • Meet with the Vice-President for Institutional Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer once a semester within the first month of said semester to establish goals and promote CMU's inclusive programming and policy.
        • Monitor university enforcement of public acts related to diversity and the Strategic Plan for Achieving Diversity.

        The Governmental Affairs Committee acts as a political liaison between SGA, CMU, and all levels of government to promote awareness of student-related issues. The committee is tasked with remaining non-partisan and objective, focusing on student issues.

        Committee functions:

        • Organize a program for students focused on legislative issues
        • Organize trips, as needed, to the state and national capital in order to communicate the legislative concerns of CMU students.
        • Establish and remain in contact with Michigan University Student Governments or other representative bodies.

        The SGA Special Events and Outreach Committee works with the vice president to strengthen the relationship between SGA and the student body, and encourages students, faculty, staff, and administrators to show school spirit by putting on programs and other initiatives.

        Committee functions:

        • Create and implement outreach strategies targeted to specific audiences.
        • Encourage cooperation between RSOs through programs, workshops and networking.
        • Have a chair chosen in consultation with the Office of Student Activities and Involvement.
        • Act as SGA's liaison to the Office of Student Activities and Involvement programming.

        The SGA Sustainability Committee leads educational initiatives to encourage sustainable choices on campus.

        Committee functions:

        • Have a chair who serves on the Campus Sustainability Advisory Committee during their term if possible.
        • Meet with Facilities Management once per semester within the first month of said semester to establish goals and promote CMU's sustainable ventures.
        • Work actively with sustainability-focused organizations on campus.
        • Plan at least (1) event each semester to promote sustainability.