Student Accommodations
Explanation of student accommodations
Whether you have a permanent or temporary disability, we are here to provide students reasonable and appropriate accommodations. After you've registered with our office and submitted documentation from a qualified professional, we will review the documentation and set up a meeting with you to learn more and determine any accommodations based on your individual situation. Once you've qualified for an accommodation, it's up to you to decide if and how you'll use it. Here are some samples of possible accommodations.
Extended time for tests
Quiet area for tests
Reading technology for textbooks and exams
Note-taking technology
Accessible Tables
Accessible tables are available for those students using wheelchairs or needing adjustable classroom seating.
Using a computer for tests
Preferred seating
Preferred seating may be approved for certain circumstances based on consultation with SDS staff.
Student accommodations in college vs. high school
Some accommodations which may have been granted in the high school environment are generally not appropriate or suitable for a collegiate environment.