Strong Interest Inventory
The Strong Interest Inventory helps you uncover your career interests and identify which areas of study are appropriate or required for a particular field, opens up the world of work to first-time career seekers and those considering career transition by identifying interests and demonstrating how they relate to various occupations and careers, and helps heighten your self-awareness and provide a deeper understanding of strengths and blind spots, including work style and risk-taking orientation! John Holland was a professor of sociology and an American psychologist who created this career development model in the 1950s. He theorized that careers were linked to personality types, and categorized the world of work into six types/codes. These are used as the basis for the Strong Interest Inventory!
Assessment and instructions
Assessment results are NOT AVAILABLE online, for printing or viewing, after completing the assessments
(The Strong Interest Inventory career assessment costs $20, which is charged to your student account.)