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Concerned About A Student

The Counseling Center provides counseling services to CMU students who voluntarily access Counseling Center resources. Many students self-select or are recommended by campus partners and others to seek counseling to address their personal and emotional needs.

Other students may be struggling, unsure of their needs or the help available to address them. They may have opened up to you personally, or you may have noticed their struggles and want to reach out and assist in some way but are unsure how to help.

Whether your relationship with students is by nature, personal or professional, you are in a position to make an impact. Two primary ways to provide support are found below under Reaching out to Students and File a Care Report.

 Counselors at the Counseling Center are also available for consultation by calling 989-774-3381

Note: If your concern is about a student’s immediate health and safety, call 911.

Reaching out to students

Reach out with empathy and validation. Your recognition of their struggle, expression of care and concern, willingness to listen, problem-solve if applicable and/or help them connect to resources communicates to students that they are not alone in their struggles and opens the door for further conversation and help-seeking.

Your involvement with students in need can be stressful. It is important for you to practice self-care, set personal and professional boundaries as well as reach out for support for yourself.

These resources below offer guidance regarding what to look for and how to begin to address concerns with a student you care about.

File a Care Report

When you find that your expression of empathic concern is not enough and that the student needs assistance linking to professional and campus resources, let the student know you will submit a Care Report. Students are made aware of the Care process during orientation. You can also submit a Care Report anonymously.

CMU Cares initiative identifies and reaches out to students regarding a variety of needs and concerns to support their health, wellbeing and success. Through Care Reports, the multidisciplinary Care Team, comprised of members of various CMU offices, can connect students with the appropriate levels of support.

Filing a Care Report can be the first step in helping someone get connected. If you would like to learn more about CMU Cares and Care Reports click on CMU Cares. Already familiar with CMU Cares? Click the link below to file a care report.

CMU Cares

Submit a Care Report for a student

Submit a Faculty/Staff Care Report

Video resources

How to Support a Loved One Struggling With Mental Illness

Brené Brown on Empathy

5 Do's and Dont's of Dealing with Other's Mental Illness

How to Help Someone With Depression: Tips for When They Don't Want to Talk