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Employee Relocation and Moving Services

The information below explains new faculty and staff moving expenses and how they are processed through Contracting and Purchasing Services.

Moving company information

Process for handling moving expenses

All new employees hired into benefit-eligible positions may be eligible for reimbursement of moving expenses. Moving expenses are subject to a maximum dollar amount for the direct costs of moving their household goods to the CMU work location. Review the Moving Expense Policy for reimbursable expenses.

If you will be using a moving firm and CMU is covering the entire cost of the move, it is preferred that you provide cost quotes from two or three different firms. The University has agreements with six national moving firms giving CMU employees preferred rates. These rates are available to you whether or not the University will be paying for the cost of your move. Information about contacting these three firms can be found above.

There are two separate procedures available for handling expenses incurred in moving your household goods to the CMU work location:

  1. The Direct Billing Procedure can be used when a moving firm has been contracted to do the moving and the cost is greater than $500. Questions regarding direct payments with the moving company may be directed to the Purchasing department (989) 774-3929.
  2. The Reimbursement Procedure can be used when the employee pays all expenses connected with the move to the CMU work location. The employee must submit an employee reimbursement voucher detailing expenses with all itemized original receipts. The employee reimbursement voucher can be found on the Payroll and Travel Services website.

NOTE: All university-covered moving expenses are subject to tax withholding (Federal, State, FICA Tax) These amounts will be included in the employee's taxable income, on the first pay following the payment or reimbursement of the moving expenses, and reported on the employee's W-2, regardless of the method of payment.

For more information about taxable moving expenses, please see Publication 521 at the IR​S website.