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- Administrative Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
- 2-2 Chain of Command in absence of President
Administrative Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
- Chapter 1: ​Powers and Authority of the Board of Trustees
- Chapter 2: Presidential and Administrative Authority and Organization
Chapter 3: University Wide Policies
- 3-1 Consensual Relationships
- 3-2 Workplace Violence
- 3-3 Guidelines for Handling Injuries on Campus
- 3-4 Fraud and Fraudulent Activities
- 3-5 Weapons Policy
- 3-6 Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Protocol
- 3-7 Procedures for Granting Contracting Authority
- 3-8 Contract Review Process
- 3-9 Conflict of Interest Guidelines
- 3-10 Expressive Activity and Advocacy Policy
- 3-12 Disposal or Transfer of Computers and Other Digital Assets
- 3-13 Fundraising, Solicitation and Commercial Sales
- 3-14 Social Security Number Privacy
- 3-15 Supplemental Assignments
- 3-16 Accommodation of Religious Obligations
- 3-17 Alcohol Use Guidelines
- 3-18 Closing the University or Delaying operations due to weather or Other Adverse Conditions
- 3-19 Business Expense Policy
- 3-20 Freedom of Information Policy
- 3-21 Building Access Controls
- 3-22 Sign Language Interpreter Policy
- 3-23 Digital Communication
- 3-25 Drug-Free Workplace
- 3-26 Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989
- 3-27 Tobacco-Free Policy
- 3-28 Academic Freedom
- 3-29 Research Integrity and Misconduct
- 3-30 Data Stewardship
- 3-31 Responsible Use of Computing
- 3-32 Business Relationships
- 3-33 SAP Security-Authority, Rights & Responsibilities
- 3-34 Managing Conflicts of interest in Public Health Service Funded Research Projects
- 3-35 Minors Participating in CMU Activities
- 3-36 Workplace Violence- Threat Management Team Operating Procedures
- 3-38 Web Policy
- 3-39 Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy
- 3-40 Student Bereavement
- 3-41 Operation of Motorized Utility Vehicles
- 3-42 Information Security Policy
- 3-43 Approval for International Travel (Travel Abroad)
- 3-44 Oversight of controlled substances in research
- 3-45 Record Management Policy
- 3-46 Facility Use Policy
- 3-47 Institutional Biosafety Program
- 3-48 Password Policy
- 3-49 Secure Configurations Policy - Workstations
- 3-50 Laboratory Safety Policy
- 3-51 Field Work Safety Policy
- 3-52 Gender Recognition and Lived/Chosen Name Policy
- 3-53 Information Security Incident Response Policy
- 3-54 Secure Configurations Policy- Printers
- 3-55 European Union General Data Protection Regulation
- 3-57 Secure Server Configurations Policy
- 3-58 Laboratory Entry and Access Policy
- 3-59 Export Controls
- 3-60 Emergency Management Program
- 3-61 Intellectual Property
- 3-62 False Claims Act
- 3-63 Social Media Policy
- 3-64 Sustainable Purchasing Guidelines
- 3-65 Authorship and Acknowledgement in Scholarly Publications
- 3-67 Off-Site Collaborative Research Activities
- 3-68 Technology Transfer of CMU Intellectual Property
- 3-69 Public Statement Policy
- 3-70 Micro-Mobility Device Policy
- 3-71 Animal Subject Research
- 3-72 Vehicle Policy
- 3-73 Safe and Responsible Use and Operations of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones)
Chapter 4: Employment: Faculty and Staff
- 4-1 Serious and Catastrophic Leave (SCL) Bank
- 4-2 Criminal History Checks
- 4-3 Family and Medical Leave
- 4-4 Retiree Status
- 4-5 Military Leave- Long-Term
- 4-6 Listserv and Announcements for Faculty and Staff
- 4-7 Staff Hiring Process
- 4-8 Performance Reviews
- 4-9 Tuition Benefit Plan
- 4-10 Search Firms
- 4-11 Overtime/ Compensatory Time
- 4-12 Independent Contractors
- 4-13 Senior Officer Search and Selection Procedures/ Guidelines
- 4-14 CMU's Responsibility for Immigration Expenses
- 4-15 Moving Expense
- 4-16 Nepotism/ Family Employment
- 4-17 Fixed-Term Faculty
- 4-18 Continuation of Health Insurance- COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) of 1985
- 4-19 Continuation of Insurance Benefits- Unpaid Leave of Absence
- 4-20 Employment Eligibility Verification (I-9 Form)
- 4-21 Compensation Philosophy
- 4-22 Additional Compensation
- 4-23 Survivor Benefits
- 4-24 Work Accommodation Process
- 4-25 Cell Phone Allowance Policy
- 4-26 Endowed Chair/ Professor Search Procedure
- 4-27 Release Time for Employee Volunteer Activities
- 4-28 Joint Appointments
- 4-29 Dual Career Policy
- 4-30 Alternative Work Schedules
- 4-31 Tuition waiver benefits for Grant-Funded Graduate Research
- 4-32 CMU Medical Faculty Salary Program
- 4-33 Pre-Employment Substance Abuse Testing- College of Medicine
- 4-34 Search Waivers
- 4-35 Teaching Faculty Qualifications Policy and Procedures
- 4-36 Procedures for Evaluation of Deans and Other Academic Senior Officers
- 4-37 Flexible Worksite
- 4-38 Michigan Earned Sick Time Act
Chapter 5: Academic Structure, Programs and Regulations
- 5-1 Facilities and Administrative Costs: Collection and Distribution
- 5-2 Pre-Professional Advisers
- 5-3 Copyright Compliance
- 5-4 Human Subject Research
- 5-5 Boat Safety
- 5-6 Vivaria Per Diem Fees
- 5-7 Student Academic Division Complaint Tracking Procedures
- 5-8 Credit Hour Definition and Application to Courses
- 5-9 Academic Centers and Institutes
- 5-10 Vivaria Access: Visitors Policy
- Chapter 6: Financial and Insurance Arrangements; Fees, Fines and Penalties
Chapter 7: Students, Scholarships and Financial Aid
- 7-1 University Graduate Out-of-State Tuition Merit Award Program
- 7-2 Out-of-State Tuition Award Program for Graduate Students from Neighboring Regions
- 7-3 Issuance of Student Email Accounts
- 7-4 Resident Status Policy
- 7-5 International Programs
- 7-6 Chalking Policy
- 7-7 Listservs and Announcements for Students
- 7-8 Tuition Rate for International Student Cohorts
- 7-9 Criminal Background Checks for students
- 7-10 Admissions, Tuition and Scholarships for Non-Citizen, Long-Term U.S. Residents/Undocumented Students
- 7-11 Post-Admission Substance Abuse- College of Medicine
- 7-12 Student Short-Term Military Service Policy
- 7-13 Posthumous Academic Recognition
- 7-14 International Student Insurance
- Chapter 9: University Facilities, Buildings, Housing and Grounds
- Chapter 10: Development Fund, Alumni Association and Gifts Policies
Chapter 12: HIPAA
- 12-1 HIPAA: Organization for Compliance
- 12-2 HIPAA: Hybrid Entity Defined
- 12-3 HIPAA: Notice of Privacy Practices
- 12-4 HIPAA: Reporting and Investigating Privacy and Security Incidents/ Complaints
- 12-5 HIPAA: Breach Notification
- 12-6 HIPAA: Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information
- 12-7 HIPAA: Contingency Plans for Electronic Protected Health Information
- 12-8 HIPAA: Workforce Security and Information Access Management
- 12-9 HIPAA: Protecting Electronic Protected Health Information Policy
- 12-10 HIPAA: Sanctions for Breach of Privacy and Security of PHI
- 12-11 HIPAA: Individual Rights
- 12-12 HIPAA: Psychotherapy Notes
- 12-13 HIPAA Safeguards
- 12-14 HIPAA: Maintenance of PHI
- Chapter 13: Miscellaneous
2-2 Chain of Command in absence of President
About CMU's "Chain of Command in Absence of President policy"
This policy establishes the chain of command when the president is temporarily absent from campus and unreachable, or is incapacitated.
NOTE ABOUT PDF VERSION: The PDF is the official text of the policy. If there are any incongruities between the text of the HTML version and the text within the PDF file, the PDF will be considered accurate and overriding.
- Effective date of this revision: March 15, 2023
- Contact for more information: President's Office
When the president is temporarily absent from campus and unreachable, or is incapacitated, the responsibility to function as the chief executive officer of the university passes through the chain of command as follows, subject to the presence on campus of the officer next in line as well as that officer’s ability to serve: provost and executive vice president; vice president for finance and administrative services; vice president for student affairs; vice president for university communications and chief marketing officer.
If the president issues a written order establishing a different chain of command for certain situations, that written order prevails.
Central Michigan University reserves the right to make exceptions to, modify or eliminate this policy. This document supersedes all previous policies, procedures, and directives relative to this subject.