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4-33 Pre-Employment Substance Abuse Testing- College of Medicine

About CMU's "CMU College of Medicine candidate substance abuse testing policy"

This policy requires candidates to have successfully passed a urine drug screen in order to be employed at CMU within the College of Medicine.

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Central Michigan University is committed to providing a drug-free, safe and productive working environment for employees, and to protect the public’s safety and their trust in services provided through the College of Medicine. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that applicants who are being considered for employment at CMU within the College of Medicine are drug-free when hired.


Pre-employment, substance abuse testing is conducted with candidates who are new hires or rehires to Central Michigan University, who have received a conditional offer of employment with CMU within the College of Medicine. These candidates will be tested for use of commonly abused substances. CMU will require these candidates to have successfully passed a urine drug screen in order to be employed at CMU within the College of Medicine.


All offers of employment are contingent upon satisfactory completion of the pre-employment drug screen. The testing must be conducted within 72 hours of the verbal extension of a conditional offer of employment and must be satisfactorily completed prior to commencement of employment.

Substances Covered by Drug Testing: Candidates will be tested for their use of commonly abused controlled substances, which may include but is not limited to: amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, opiates, cannabinoids, cocaine, methadone, methylamphetamine, phencyclidine (PCP), propoxyphene and chemical derivatives of these substances.

Candidates must advise the testing lab of all prescription drugs taken in the past month before the test and be prepared to show proof of such prescriptions to testing lab personnel.

Testing Methods and Procedures: All testing will be conducted by a licensed independent medical laboratory, which will follow established testing standards. Testing will be conducted on a urine sample provided by the candidate to the testing laboratory under procedures established by the laboratory to ensure privacy of the candidate, while protecting against tampering/alteration of the sample and test results. Testing will be coordinated through CMU College of Medicine Faculty and Staff Affairs. The testing laboratory will report results to Faculty and Staff Affairs at CMED.

Refusal to Undergo Testing and Tampering: Candidates who refuse to submit to a drug test, tamper or attempt to tamper with or who fail to show up for a drug test will no longer be considered for employment and their conditional offer will be immediately deemed withdrawn.

Positive Test: A positive screen will prompt the formal withdraw of the conditional offer of employment and the candidate will be provided the reason why he/she is no longer being considered for employment. A confirmatory test using the same sample may be requested by the candidate in accordance with lab policies,. Payment of the requested confirmatory test will be the responsibility of the candidate.

Right to Explain Test Results: All candidates have the right to meet with the testing laboratory personnel, and with CMU Human Resources or Faculty Personnel Services to explain their test results. These discussions will be considered confidential except that information disclosed in such tests may need to be communicated to personnel within CMU College of Medicine Faculty and Staff Affairs or within the lab who need to know such information to make proper decisions regarding the test results or employment of the individual.

Right to Review Records: Upon request, CMU will provide a copy of test results only to candidates who test positive.

Confidentiality Requirements: All records concerning test results will be kept in medical files that are maintained separately from CMU’s personnel files. Testing laboratories may conduct testing only for substances included on the ordered panel and may not conduct general testing related to the medical conditions of the individual that are unrelated to drug usage, consistent with the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act and similar federal or state laws.

Re-Application and Rehire: CMU understands that individuals who are rehabilitated drug users or engaged in a supervised drug rehabilitation program and are no longer using drugs are protected under the American with Disabilities Act. Therefore, CMU will consider the applications of candidates who formerly tested positive for drugs if the candidates can subsequently show evidence of rehabilitation.

Central Michigan University reserves the right to make exceptions to, modify or eliminate this policy and or its content. This document supersedes all previous policies, procedures or guidelines relative to this subject.