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3-5 Weapons Policy

About CMU's "Weapons policy"

This policy regulates the possession, discharge or use of any weapon during official University activities and on property owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the Central Michigan University.

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No person shall possess, discharge or otherwise use any weapon on any property owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the University. This prohibition applies regardless of whether the individual has a concealed weapon permit or is otherwise authorized by law to possess, discharge or use any such device. Exceptions to this prohibition are listed below.


Weapon includes, but is not limited to: a firearm; explosives (including fireworks); dangerous chemicals, substances or compounds intended to cause injury to a person, or possessed in negligent disregard for the safety of self and others; knives with blades longer than three (3) inches or with an open blade locking mechanism; swords; machetes; projectile devices that could cause injury to others, which current, impulse, wave or beam, is designed to incapacitate temporarily, injure or kill, or any other device that could reasonably be considered to be a weapon.


These prohibitions do not apply:

(a) To an officer of the CMU Police Department who is regularly employed by the University and who has been authorized by the CMU Chief of Police (or designee) to carry weapons as outlined by CMU Police policy; or

(b) To an employee recommended by a Senior Officer and approved by the CMU Chief of Police, to possess or use such a device during the time when the employee is engaged in work for the University requiring such a device; or

(c) When an individual uses or possesses a weapon in connection with an educational, recreational or training program or activity authorized by a University Dean or equivalent and under the supervision of a University employee; if off-campus. If on-campus; notification and approval of the CMU Chief of Police; or

(d) During the time when the weapon is worn as part of a military or fraternal uniform in connection with a public ceremony, parade or theatrical performance which requires prior permission from the Chief of Police; or

(e) Law enforcement officers of legally established law enforcement agencies, during the time the officers are engaged in work requiring a weapon; or

(f) Law enforcement officers with arrest authority and jurisdiction on CMU property (e.g., Michigan State Police, Isabella Co Sheriff’s Office, Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Police, City of Mt. Pleasant Police, Federal Law Enforcement Agents); or

(g) Non-University persons who are required by their employer to possess or use a weapon during the time the employee is engaged in work requiring a weapon, providing the CMU Chief of Police or their designee has received prior notification (e.g., credentialed security detail for a Dignitary, or Head of State); or

(h) To the possession and use a weapon for recreational hunting on property which has been designated for such activity by the University, provided such possession and use is in strict compliance with applicable law, and University policy; or

(i) When the CMU Chief of Police or designee has waived the prohibition based on extra-ordinary circumstances. Any such waiver must be in writing and must define its scope and duration.

(j) The carrying and use of oleoresin capsicum spray (“pepper spray”), so long as the pepper spray and its use conforms to Michigan law.


The CMU Chief of Police, or designee, may impose certain restrictions upon individuals who are otherwise authorized to possess or use weapons pursuant to this policy when the Chief or designee determines such restrictions are appropriate under the circumstance.

This Policy does not restrict the enactment of more restrictive policies for students and employees.

Any student violating this rule shall be subject to suspension or dismissal. Employees are subject to discipline up to and including discharge. Others may be subject to banning from campus and arrest for trespass.

Central Michigan University reserves the right to make exceptions to, modify or eliminate this policy and or its content. This document supersedes all pervious policies, procedures or guidelines relative to this subject.