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3-60 Emergency Management Program

About CMU's "Establishment of an emergency management program at CMU policy"

This policy establishes an emergency management program at CMU based on the framework of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Emergency Preparedness Cycle. This policy outlines the structure and membership of the emergency management organizations and sets goals for incident response at CMU.

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Central Michigan University must be prepared to address any event, incident or hazard that could impact life, health or property on campus and that may disrupt university operations. 


To establish a policy concerning an all-hazards emergency management program at Central Michigan University by outlining a process for the safety of students, faculty, staff, guests, and contractors, for the protection of life, health and property. 


Emergency Event: An Emergency is defined as an event (expected or unexpected) that places life, health or property in danger, and requires more than a routine public safety response. It typically involves the establishment of an Incident Command System; participation of many different on and off campus offices or agencies; and can last hours, days or weeks depending upon the event. 

Emergency Operations Center: CMU’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a central command and control facility where those responsible for carrying out the principles of emergency preparedness and emergency management functions at a strategic level meet during an emergency.


The University shall create and maintain an Emergency Management Program (EMP) that integrates a campus-based, all-hazards emergency management effort. The program will use the framework of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Emergency Management Preparedness Cycle to: plan, organize and equip, train, exercise, and evaluate and improve. 


The following organizations shall form the structure of the CMU Emergency Management Program:

1. Emergency Management Council. CMU’s Emergency Management Council (EM Council) includes key senior leaders from the Cabinet. The EM Council leads the university during an event and in the days and weeks that follow. It consists of key senior leaders who are actively involved in developing the strategy for the university’s response and communications efforts. These individuals have a strategic focus on the university and will review emerging details, provide direction and communication themes, develop next steps for the university, and authorize the activation of the CMU EOC in consultation with the Incident Commander. Members include:

  • President (chairperson)
  • Executive Vice President / Provost (serves as chair in absence of President)
  • Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services (third in order of succession)
  • Vice President of Student Affairs (fourth in order of succession)
  • Vice President of University Communications and Chief Marketing Officer (fifth in order of succession)
  • Vice President and General Counsel
  • Chief of Police, Central Michigan University Police Department
  • Chief of Staff to the President/Secretary to the Board of Trustees
  • Vice President of Information Technology- CIO 

Other individuals may be required, as needed, to assist and support this team. For example, a building emergency likely would involve someone from Facilities Management. A situation involving a faculty member would include the college dean and Faculty Personnel Services. The EM Council meets on an as-needed basis.

2. Emergency Management Steering Group. CMU’s Emergency Management Steering Group (EM Steering Group) is the work-level leadership team that oversees the university’s EMP. The EM Steering Group shall use the Emergency Management Preparedness Cycle to ensure CMU is prepared for the next emergency. The EM Steering Group provides direction, counsel, inputs and recommendations to the EM Council regarding the University’s EMP. Members include:

  • Chief of Police, Central Michigan University Police Department, or designee
  • Director of Risk Management, Environmental Health & Safety/Emergency Management
  • Associate Vice President of Facilities Management
  • Associate Vice President of Financial Services and Reporting/Controller
  • Vice President of Student Affairs
  • Executive Director of Faculty Personnel Services
  • Executive Director of Infrastructure/Office of Information Technology
  • Director of Employee & Labor Relations/Human Resources
  • Director of Communications, University Communications 

Other individuals may be required, as needed, to assist and support this team.

3. Emergency Management Working Group. The Emergency Management Working Group plays a valuable role following the initial flurry of activity, when an event occurs, and it activates the CMU EOC. The group could be brought together an hour after an incident, or the following day; all situations will be unique. Activated with the approval of the EM Council, and typically at the request of the Incident Commander, this group shall conduct the following activities:

  • Staff the EOC.
  • Provide oversight of CMU resources in response to events.
  • Collaborate, advise and support the Incident Commander and EM Council, via the EOC director as assigned by the EM Council
  • Implement strategic and operational actions, in concert with the EM Council, to restore order, physical and emotional security, and university business continuity.

The Emergency Management Working Group, with representation from across campus, is instrumental in helping CMU respond to an event and subsequently recover from incidents affecting the safety and wellbeing of the university community. 

The group shall meet to plan incident response, practice being a part of incident response and recovery efforts, and discuss issues that might arise during those efforts.

Members of the Emergency Management Working Group shall include personnel from the following organizations:

  • Risk Management, Environmental Health & Safety/Emergency Management
  • Human Resources
  • Faculty Personnel Services
  • Facilities Management
  • University Communications
  • Office of Information Technology
  • Academic Administration
  • Alumni Relations
  • Auxiliary Services
  • Student Affairs
  • Residence Life
  • CMU Police
  • Athletics
  • Contracting and Purchasing Services/University Stores
  • CMU Health

Other department personnel may be required, as needed, to assist and support this team.

4. University goals during an incident. The objectives of purposeful incident response and recovery efforts lie in helping address the emotional, physical and financial impacts that follow any such event. The following goals are not all relevant to every incident. In general, the university’s goals when an incident occurs are to:

  • Protect life, health and property of the university community
  • Respond to threats regarding the well-being of students, faculty, staff and visitors
  • Recognize the emotional and physical impacts of an incident on survivors, family members and the greater community, and facilitate connection to resources
  • Communicate openly, honestly and proactively with constituents, speaking with one voice, and balancing individuals’ legal rights to privacy with the public’s need to know
  • Coordinate the response and recovery activities with local, state and federal resources
  • After the incident, evaluate and improve the response process

Central Michigan University reserves the right to make exceptions to, modify or eliminate this policy and or its content. This document supersedes all previous policies, procedures or guidelines relative to this subject.