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3-21 Building Access Controls

About CMU's "Building Access" policy

This policy is in place to improve security of CMU facilities, equipment and research, maintain access to CMU facilities. This was formerly the Lock and Key Policy.

NOTE ABOUT PDF VERSION: The PDF is the official text of the policy. If there are any incongruities between the text of the HTML version and the text within the PDF file, the PDF will be considered accurate and overriding.


Building access controls supports campus security and safety.


A CMU Access Controls Committee (“Committee”) shall include representatives from CMU Police, Office of Information Technology, Facilities Management, Residence Life, Provost’s Office, Auxiliary Services, Athletics, and University Events. The Committee is responsible for developing procedures, oversight, and direction for building access controls and credentialing for CMU students, faculty, staff, and other authorized individuals.

CMU Police are responsible for campus security and public safety. CMU Police are also responsible for access control design requirements, the monitoring of alarms, and establishing building schedules.

The Office of Information Technology is responsible for electronic access control components to include readers, panels, low voltage electrical systems, hardware, specifications, maintenance, and procurement of information technology systems to support reader operations, systems administration, and controllers. 

Facilities Management is responsible for installation and maintenance of electronic access control components to include electricity, electronic mechanical hardware, strikes, door hardware, and operators. Facilities Management is also responsible for the repair of lock and key systems.

Auxiliary Services is responsible for the Central Card Office and requesting building access for scheduled events. 

The Office of Information Technology and CMU Police will utilize automated role-based administration of access level assignments for exterior doors and, when feasible, interior doors. If manual access level assignments are required for interior doors, the respective Department shall be responsible for assigning access rights. 


All CMU buildings shall have network-based electronic access controls at select exterior doors, as determined by the Committee.

CMU Police shall determine building electronic access control schedules for the Mt Pleasant campus. 

The Office of Information Technology shall establish the University’s authorized network-based electronic access control system for use on campus.

Procedures regarding exterior building electronic access controls shall be promulgated by the Committee and report to the President’s Cabinet via the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services. 

Interior network-based electronic access controls are authorized for use on campus and are a departmental responsibility for requesting, funding, and scheduling. 


Exterior and interior stand-alone electronic access controls are prohibited. All electronic access controls must be part of the University’s designated network-based system. 

Existing interior, stand-alone electronic access controls including non-network based, individual, stand-alone, battery operated, low-voltage, keypad electronic access controls for interior rooms are grandfathered for continued use. Department Senior Officers shall take full responsibility for these stand-alone, electronic keypad access control systems that are the least secure method of access control. These stand-alone electronic access controls will not be maintained, and Departments shall fund their replacement with either a Lock and Key System or a Network-Based Electronic Access Control System. 


An identification card or mobile credential issued by the CMU Central Card Office shall serve as the credentialing device to allow for building electronic access.


An individual who loses their campus identification / credentialing must immediately report the loss to Central Card Office. A new identification can be obtained from the Central Card Office, at cost to the individual.


For buildings with exterior electronic access controls, exterior door lock and key systems are for emergency use only. Exterior door key distribution shall be limited to CMU Police and Facilities Management.

For buildings awaiting the installation of exterior electronic access controls, Departments requiring building access may request exterior door keys by having a Senior Officer, or a Senior Officer appointed Key Coordinator submit a work order to Facilities Management. Keys shall be issued at the lowest security level required for recipients to accomplish their work. 

Interior door lock and key systems are initially provided for each building by Facilities Management. Departments requiring interior door access may request interior door keys by having a Senior Officer, or a Senior Officer appointed Key Coordinator submit a work order to Facilities Management. Keys shall be issued at the lowest security level required for recipients to accomplish their work.

The CMU Lock Shop shall maintain records of key assignments and lock cylinders. Senior Officer appointed Key Coordinators shall pick-up keys from the Lock Shop, re-issue keys to employees or students within their department, and shall maintain records of key assignments. A Key Coordinator must be a full-time, regular employee. Employees and students are issued the minimum number of keys at the lowest level that will allow access to their areas of assignment. All University keys shall be made by the CMU Lock Shop.  Individuals shall not have keys duplicated.

Residence Life staff are responsible for administering and distributing keys for the residence halls.

Building Master keys must be approved by a Senior Officer from their respective department.

Grand Master keys are issued only to employees who have a need to access multiple buildings under emergency situations (CMU Police Officers; designated Office of Information Technology personnel; designated Risk Management/Environmental Health and Safety personnel; and designated Facilities Management personnel) and must be approved by either the Chief of Police or Associate Vice President for Facilities Management, or their designees.


When personnel changes occur within a unit, it is the employee/student responsibility to return keys to the unit’s Key Coordinator.  Keys can be reassigned by the unit’s Key Coordinator within the department for room keys and Building Master keys only.  The Key Coordinator within the unit must notify the Lock Shop of all key transfers and maintain a receipt listing each transferred key, and a copy (or e-mail) of the receipt provided to the Lock Shop.  Obsolete or unneeded keys are to be returned to the Lock Shop. All keys shall be returned to the unit’s Key Coordinator on or before the person’s last day of work/school. Grand Master keys must be returned to the Lock Shop or CMU Police.


CMU staff administering a contract for services on the CMU campus are responsible for issuing keys to contractors when they have a need to access a keyed area. The contract administrator shall maintain a record of key assignments and ensure keys are returned at the end of the contract.


Students who require keys are responsible for all keys assigned. Only a Room key can be issued to a student, unless otherwise authorized by the respective Senior Officer.


Registered Student Organization president/chairperson or vice president/vice chairperson are eligible to receive a key. Only Room Keys will be issued to student organizations.


The individual who loses a key must immediately report the loss to the Key Coordinator, Campus Police and Facilities Management. Replacement costs are the responsibility of the department or sponsoring organization. The cost of re-keying is based on the number of doors that need to be re-keyed. Disciplinary action and fines to cover re-keying costs are a management responsibility of the applicable Department via standing policies and procedures for such actions.


Take appropriate action to safeguard university keys, access cards, and personal electronic devices with electronic access. The loaning of keys, access cards, or personal electronic devices is prohibited.  Propping open doors or disabling any normally secured doors is prohibited.


  • Installation of exterior electronic access controls - recharge.
  • Installation of exterior lock and key systems - recharge.
  • Repair of exterior electronic access controls - maintenance.
  • Repair of exterior lock and key systems - maintenance.
  • Installation and repair of interior electronic access control - recharge.
  • Installation and repair of interior lock and key systems - recharge.
  • Rekey lock, repair damaged lock, cutting of additional keys - recharge. 

Central Michigan University reserves the right to make exceptions to, modify or eliminate this policy. This document supersedes all previous policies, procedures and directives relative to this subject. Please refer questions or concerns to the Originating Department.