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3-27 Tobacco-Free Policy

About CMU's "Tobacco-Free Policy"

This policy prohibits the use of tobacco products on all CMU properties, facilities and vehicles.

NOTE ABOUT PDF VERSION: The PDF is the official text of the policy. If there are any incongruities between the text of the HTML version and the text within the PDF file, the PDF will be considered accurate and overriding.

  • Attachments are included in the PDF file.
  • Effective date of this revision: July 1, 2014
  • Contact for more information: Human Resources


Tobacco use in the workplace and other public places has become an important public health issue as evidenced by the clean air initiatives undertaken by the State of Michigan and employers across the state, including colleges and universities. CMU has enforced a smoke-free policy dating back to 1992. In 2012, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) created the Tobacco-Free College Campus Initiative, with the goal of eliminating the use of tobacco on college campuses nation-wide. 

Central Michigan University (CMU) is committed to the health and wellness of its students, faculty, staff and visitors. This tobacco-free policy will ensure that every student, employee and visitor has a healthy learning and working environment.


Central Michigan University establishes the following tobacco-free policy, for all CMU properties, facilities, and vehicles in which university functions are offered or carried-out, regardless of location. This includes all CMU sites whether owned or leased. 

As used herein, tobacco products includes traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes, chew, pipes, cigars, hookah or waterpipe smoking, snus, snuff, etc. 

The use of tobacco products, smoke or smoke-less is prohibited on all CMU campuses, including all parking lots and in university vehicles except as indicated below: 

  • Tobacco use will be permitted in privately owned vehicles parked in any CMU parking lot. Windows should remain closed to limit the exposure to others and in keeping with tobacco-free policy stated above. 
  • The use of tobacco products will be permitted for research or educational purposes approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC).
  • The use of tobacco products is permitted in the Moore Hall Theaters, the Kiva, and Warriner Auditorium when it is called for by the director as part of the production. Only the specific characters during rehearsals and performances may use tobacco products. The appropriate department in charge of the production shall include notification that there will be smoking in the show. Tobacco use in the green room is prohibited.
  • Tobacco use may be permitted for religious ritual or religious ceremonial purposes in places rented or approved for religious activities.

Conspicuous signage will be posted on university grounds establishing the boundaries of the tobacco-free campus.

The university may provide assistance through University Health Services, CMU’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and the CMU employee wellness program to those who need help with tobacco cessation. 

The university shall prohibit the sale of all tobacco products on campus and shall prohibit the advertising and distribution of tobacco products on campus.

The university shall deny the use of the school logo on smoking paraphernalia, such as cigarette lighters and ash trays.

The university joins with students in creating and nourishing a culture and atmosphere which is conducive to good health and well-being. 

This policy shall apply equally to visitors, students, faculty, and staff. 

Enforcement: The success of this policy will depend on the thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation of tobacco users and non-users. All faculty, staff and students share in the responsibility for adhering to and enforcing this policy. If someone is observed in violation of this policy the following steps are recommended: 

  1. Politely remind the person of the tobacco-free policy. Usually a gentle reminder or pointing at the tobacco-free signage at the time of violation is all that is needed.
  2. Should the problem persist, ask the person for his/her name and whether he/she is a student, faculty, staff member or visitor. If the person refuses to identify himself/herself, contact the CMU Police at 774-3081 for assistance.
    1. If the person violating the policy is a student, a complaint may be filed with the Office of Student Conduct which shall take appropriate action.
    2. If the person is a faculty or staff member, a complaint may be filed with Human Resources/Employee Relations or Faculty Personnel Services who shall act pursuant to the appropriate personnel policies.
    3. If the person is a visitor, the CMU Police may take action to ban the person from University facilities and/or property.

Violation of this policy will result in reasonable sanctions, which should stress education and treatment, but may include disciplinary action. Violators may be subject to civil fines of $100 for the first violation and not more than

$500 for the second or subsequent violation as provided by Michigan Public Act 198 as enforced by state and/or local health department.


University Health Services: 774-6591
Encompass (CMU Employee Assistance Program): 1-800-788-8630
Quit the Nic (Blue Cross/Blue Shield): 1-800-775-BLUE (2583)

Michigan Tobacco Quit Line: 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669)
American Cancer Society – –
Nicotine Anonymous -

Tobacco cessation benefits are available to faculty and staff through the respective medical and prescription drug plans. For more information on the benefits available, please contact Benefits and Wellness at 774-3661 or visit resources/tobacco-free-policy

Questions relative to this policy should be submitted to the Human Resources. 

Central Michigan University reserves the right to make exceptions to, modify or eliminate this policy and or its content. This document supersedes all previous policies, procedures or guidelines relative to this subject.